Information for All 住房 Applicants: Steps to Complete the 住房 Application

While the College will make every effort to provide a room assignment, 住房 is 没有保证的. We encourage students to apply for 住房 as soon as possible after they are accepted to East Georgia, and to complete the steps listed below. 

点击这里 to go to the 住房 Application.

Submit your $100 non-refundable 住房 application fee. Credit and Debit card payments are accepted inside the 住房 application.

Students must re-apply for 住房 every year and the non-refundable fee is required 每年. 学术 year restarts every fall and includes the subsequent spring and 夏天的条款. Students who do not want to, or cannot pay with a credit or debit card, may make a cash or check payment at the EGSC Business Office. 选择支付方式 method may slow the processing of the 住房 application. 付款将需要 be manually verified by 住房 before the student will be able to continue with the 十大正规网赌平台申请. An automated email will be sent to confirm fee payment and will contain instructions on how to proceed with finishing the 住房 application.

Digitally sign the 网上购房协议 (aka contract) by going back into the online 住房 application and finishing the remainder of the application 页面. 你的 application is not complete until you have finished all of the online 住房 application 页面.

Complete and submit the Criminal Background Investigation Request Form. 链接到 this online form is located on the "application status" page of the 住房 application. Make sure you click the link for the CBI on the application status page at the end of the online 住房 application to complete this last step in the application process.

The background check must be completed every year. Note that the CBI will continue to give "incomplete status" for your application until the 住房 office has manually processed and completed your background check. This may take up to a week to complete. There is no need to submit the CBI form more than once. 如果你没有收到CBI completion email within 1 week of submitting it, please call 住房 for a status 更新.


Student Classification Specific Information

There are some pieces of information that are specific depending on whether you are 新生:新生或返校的学生. See below for more information.

It is common as a new student to have a million questions about the 住房 process. 这是一大步! Please utilize some of the important application information below in deciding when to apply for 住房.

You will not be assigned a room space until you have completed the 住房 application, paid the non-refundable application fee, have digitally signed the 住房 agreement, and completed a successful criminal background check.

You should expect to receive your room assignment the first week of July (or after you complete the application, whichever comes last).

你的 住房 assignment priority will be determined by your "application complete 日期." This is the 日期 we have confirmation that you paid your fee and signed your 网上购房协议.

Admitted students should log in to their myEGSC门户. Select the "住房 application" link on the left side of the screen in the "apps" section and follow the instructions for completing the 住房 application.

As a returning resident, you should be an old pro when it comes to signing up for 住房. Just in case you need a refresher, there are a few tips below that will help you successfully complete the re-application process for 住房.

All returning students will be assigned to Bobcat Villas West as space permits. We will overflow into Bobcat Villas South for late applicants.

The $100 application fee is a fee that must be paid once per academic year. 学术 year officially begins in Fall term of each year.

Priority room selection for returning students ends on May 31 each year. 返回 students who complete their 住房 application after June 1 will be assigned a 住房 space the same time as the new students.

